Delhi Public School, Dwarka organized a heartfelt celebration to commemorate Labour Day. The event aimed to recognize the tireless efforts of labourers and express appreciation for their invaluable contributions to society. Class VI students participated in a card-making session where they crafted personalized cards expressing gratitude and appreciation for the labourers. During the event, students, accompanied by teachers distributed the handmade cards to the labourers working within the school premises. Each card was accompanied by a warm smile and a heartfelt thank you, making the gesture even more meaningful. Students gained a deeper understanding of the importance of labourers in society and learned the value of expressing gratitude. The labourers, on the other hand, were visibly touched by the thoughtful gesture and felt appreciated for their often-overlooked contributions.
As part of the initiative of the Social Service Club, students of class VII has made placards with messages spreading awareness regarding:
Children of class eighth from social service initiative made a beautiful poster on labour’s day and they were told to paste the poster on the cardboard so that they may be preserved for the exhibition planned to be held in the month of August. They all enjoyed the activity and made beautiful posters
Students of class eighth from social service initiative club made beautiful placards all the usage of waste bins. These placards were later displayed and pasted on the waste bins that are kept in the school with the help of the helpers. Children enjoyed the activity thoroughly and spread awareness to keep our school litter free. |
JANUARY 2024 |
The following activities were undertaken by the children in the Library for the month of January 2024 . The students took initiative to keep the library well maintained and helped the staff in proper arrangement of shelves. They were also told about how to take care of books issued by them from the library. 1.Stock checking process Students helped in the yearly stock checking process of the senior school library by helping in arranging the Fiction shelves. This also gave them an insight on how to find books in the Library. 2.ASK! A Librarian Service Children prepared cards for all the helpers of the school and showed gratitude for their services. 4.Save Electricity All the children willingly participated in save electricity drive. They also encouraged other students to conserve electricity as we all know “Energy Saved is Energy Generated”. The event was conducted on mass scale and turned out to be a grand success. In this activity the students helped other students to find out the information required from reliable and authoritative resources to save the time of readers. Readers were provided with answers to their queries and they were guided in the right direction to get what they needed. 3.Write a thank-you note (Thanks Giving Cards) Children prepared cards for all the helpers of the school and showed gratitude for their services. 4.Save Electricity All the children willingly participated in save electricity drive. They also encouraged other students to conserve electricity as we all know “Energy Saved is Energy Generated”. The event was conducted on mass scale and turned out to be a grand success. |
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The following activities were undertaken by the children in their respective classrooms for the month of December.
The event was conducted on mass scale and turned out to be a grand success. |
The students of DPS Dwarka, Primary Wing, continued with their efforts to keep their surroundings neat and clean and took a pledge to ensure cleanliness. Class-boards on cleanliness was prepared to make students aware about cleanliness. A school assembly on the topic – ‘Dignity of Labour’ was conducted wherein children were made to understand the importance of respecting every member of the society whether a sanitation worker, a plumber, a farmer or anyone else. Students participated actively and imbibed the significance of cleanliness. |
OCTOBER 2023 |
On the occasion of “Gandhi Jayanti”, DPS Dwarka observed ‘Swachhata Hi Seva’, Cleanliness is Service campaign. In this programme children, staff and parents of D.P.S Dwarka participated with full enthusiasm and zeal and made everyone aware of the campaign. This campaign took place for more than an hour as the slogan said ‘ EK TAREEKH EK GHANTA EK SATH’ Cleanliness drives and awareness activities were taken up in schools with children understanding the importance of waste segregation . Swachhata Pledge was taken by everyone to keep their surroundings clean. Removal of garbage from all important places. Student volunteers also performed a skit in school to create awareness about negative impact of increased usage of plastic and the need for using the environment friendly materials in day to day life. Plastic materials were collected . The students also spoke to their friends to create awareness against usage of plastics. The collected plastic materials were disposed safely with the help of school employees. As a part of the campaign, all the students and staff of school were advised to use both sides of papers while taking any print and to use e-office for circulating any information in the school instead of using physical papers to make their little contribution to save the environment. |
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The students of DPS Dwarka, Primary Wing, carried out cleanliness drive to clean their own work areas and surroundings. Students prepared banners regarding cleanliness. Gratitude cards for the helpers were prepared and given to them to show children’s appreciation for all the work that is done by them. Students understood the importance of keeping all areas neat and tidy and also the significance of Dignity of Labour. Enthusiastic participation was witnessed by one and all! |
AUGUST 2023 |
In order to create a sense of health and hygiene among the children and to instill in them the qualities of cooperation gratitude and helpful behaviour towards the community and environment, the students of DPS, Dwarka, Primary Wing conducted various activities during the month of August 2023. For classes I & II students, teachers stressed upon the importance of maintaining good hygiene, raised awareness about physical well-being, a healthy environment and encouraged the children to adopt zero waste strategies. They also shared their views and promised to use the available resources judiciously. Students cleaned their classrooms by throwing the wrappers, foils and other garbage into dustbins. Students of all classes were sensitized about the importance of cleanliness and dignity of labour during class and house assemblies. They were made aware about the spread of vector borne diseases. Students promised to keep their classrooms, corridors and other surroundings at home clean and would prevent water accumulation. Enthusiastic participation was witnessed by one and all! |
JULY 2023 |
The Social Service Initiative Club of Delhi Public School Dwarka organised ‘Shramdaan’ in the month of July 2023 for the students of classes 6-9. The value of serving the society and spreading awareness about each individual’s contribution towards society was inculcated in students during this month. A ‘Cleanliness Drive’ was conducted in the second week of July where students were encouraged to clean their surroundings to help children understand the importance and methods of handling waste responsibly and try to take a step towards a cleaner environment. On 19 July 2023, an awareness program was conducted on ‘How to Stay Healthy’ aimed to spread awareness among the young children about maintenance of weight, diet and physical activity. After the program, students made insightful PowerPoint Presentations on the topic to show their understanding. Throughout the month, a voluntary donation was collected for ‘Indian Association for the Blind’ to support the education and rehabilitation of visually challenged people. This was carried out with the aim of raising awareness about the potential and difficulties faced by visually challenged individuals. The students participated enthusiastically in all the activities with zeal and vigour. |
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MAY 2023 |
DPS Dwarka celebrated International Day of Zero waste for classes IV and V. Various activities were conducted to instil the value of zero waste and cleanliness in children. Teachers stressed upon the importance of maintaining good hygiene, raised awareness about physical well-being, a healthy environment and encouraged the children to adopt zero waste strategies. In class IV, children designed colorful posters and wrote catchy slogans and in class V, a Story Telling Session was conducted in which they shared their views and promised to use the available resources judiciously. |
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APRIL 2023 |
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. - Mahatma Gandhi DPS Dwarka organised activities on awareness of Social service. The purpose to organise this event was to align students with the purpose of service and community welfare. Keeping this in mind, the students of classes VI – VIII participated in many activities based on the virtues of social service, cleanliness and dignity of labour. The students took a collective effort and made cards, designed posters and creative slogans to bring a positive impact in themselves and the community around them. The motto of the activity was to create awareness to help and change the environment. |
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Classes: VI-IX 17-21 January 2022 |
The Social Service Initiative Club organised a Poem/Slogan writing activity for the students of classes VI-IX. The aim was to promote patriotism along with the values such as peace, honesty and brotherhood. The event was conducted on the virtual platform during the social service activity class. The teachers shared a PowerPoint Presentation with the students highlighting the importance of Republic Day Celebrations held on 26th January every year. The teachers further talked and discussed about the contribution of freedom fighters in the freedom movement, the meaning of a ‘Republic Nation’, the importance of Indian Constitution and the process of drafting of the constitution. The students were then asked to write a slogan or a poem based on their thoughts and feelings about our country. The students participated in this activity very enthusiastically and came up with beautiful creations that was appreciated by one and all. |
20-24 December 2021 |
The students of classes VI-IX celebrated Christmas in the school by participating in the essay writing competition organised by the Social Service Initiative Club. The topic was, ‘Celebrating Christmas while following COVID Protocols’. The event was conducted during the social service activity class on the virtual platform. The teachers shared a PowerPoint Presentation with the students highlighting the importance of this festival. The aim was to make the students of classes VI-IX understand the importance of celebrating Christmas and other festivals in our country during the pandemic while following the COVID protocols. |
Click here for photographs |
Armed Forces Flag Daywas observed by the Social Service Initiative club of our school on the virtual platform on Tuesday, the 7th of December 2021.This Day wasdedicated to commemorating the courage of the servicemen of the armed forces of this country.Funds were raised to assist the rehabilitation of ex-servicemen in need and to aid the widows and dependents of martyrs bythe distribution of flags. The studentsexpressedtheir gratitude and appreciation for the veteran military personnel of India.They acknowledged the unsung efforts of those who lost their lives in the service of our country. |
Covid-19 has been around for almost a year and things have finally started to look promising. However, as the threat of the virus still looms large, it would be wise to celebrate the upcoming Christmas season with the utmost care and safety.But that does not mean your Christmas celebration should be anything less than amazing. Since, it is the season of love and aspirations, we can surely hope for a sweet and simple celebration at home. Covid-19 has been around for almost a year and things have finally started to look promising. However, as the threat of the virus still looms large, it would be wise to celebrate the upcoming Christmas season with the utmost care and safety.But that does not mean your Christmas celebration should be anything less than amazing. Since, it is the season of love and aspirations, we can surely hope for a sweet and simple celebration at home.With proper care, right precautions and a limited guest ist, you can still have a memorable Christmas celebration. So, here are some simple and easy ways to celebrate Christmas at home during Covid-19. Covid-19 has been around for almost a year and things have finally started to look promising. However, as the threat of the virus still looms large, it would be wise to celebrate the upcoming Christmas season with the utmost care and safety.But that does not mean your Christmas celebration should be anything less than amazing. Since, it is the season of love and aspirations, we can surely hope for a sweet and simple celebration at home.With proper care, right precautions and a limited guest list, you can still have a memorable Christmas celebration. So, here are some simple and easy ways to celebrate Christmas at home during Covid-19.1 Understand the Safety Guidelines Covid-19 has been around for almost a year and things have finally started to look promising. However, as the threat of the virus still looms large, it would be wise to celebrate the upcoming Christmas season with the utmost care and safety.But that does not mean your Christmas celebration should be anything less than amazing. Since, it is the season of love and aspirations, we can surely hope for a sweet and simple celebration at home.With proper care, right precautions and a limited guest list, you can still have a memorable Christmas celebration. So, here are some simple and easy ways to celebrate Christmas at home during Covid-19.1 Understand the Safety GuidelinesThe most important step towards planning a Christmas celebration at home is to take note of the recommended guidelines in your city. Although most restrictions have been lifted, it would still be helpful to understand any specific safety guidelines. |
Week: 15-18 November 2021 A poster making class activity was conducted by the Social Service Initiative Club on virtual platform for students of classes VI-IX on the topic “Adverse effects of Air Pollution.”The objective of giving this activity to the students was to create awareness among them about issues related to conservation of environment and motivated them to protect environment.They were also oriented to use available resources judiciously for sustainable development. Teachers discussed the current air quality level in Delhi. The students depicted and delineated the burning issue through some impressive and informative posters which made a huge impact on all involved. |
Week: 12-17September 2021 Little hands and imaginative minds came together in a creative burst of energy during the social service activity class of our school. The aim was to make the students of classes VI-IX understand the importance of preserving the environment and learn more about sustainability. The students were taught not to throw away waste material and instead repurpose them meaningfully. This is bound to help not only the environment keeping in mind the 5 R’s but also the creative energy of the young minds. The students prepared creative and innovative models and art items from different waste materials, which were shared by them in the class. They used reusable and recyclable materials like news papers, shoe boxes, bangles, ice cream sticks and much more. From these items, they created an amazing array of display items and useful everyday objects leaving all the other students impressed and inspired . The values like preservation, recycling, conservation, reduce, reuse etc were imbibed with students through this activity. |
Week: 30 August-3 September 2021 |
A class activity was conducted by the Social Service Initiative Club on virtual platform. Students of classes VI and VII prepared cards for doctors and health care professionals to express their gratitude towards these corona warriors who saved and protected many lives. Our young and talented students not only expressed their gratitude and respect through their creative work but also proved that they encompass the social values and life skills required to become responsible citizens of a country. All the students performed the activity with optimum zeal and enthusiasm. The activity left the students inspired and motivated to always put their best foot forward and be productive members of the society. |
Week: 30 August- 3 September 2021 |
A class activity was conducted by the Social Service Initiative Club on virtual platform. Students of classes VIII and IX first gave a brief introduction about the life of different social workers, |
Week: 16-20 August 2021 Social service Orientation session was conducted with the students of Classes VI-IX. The orientation session was conducted to familiarise the students with the trajectory of social service activities that could be conducted during the Pandemic. The students were given guidance through PPTs and motivational talks to help them understand the logistics of social service activities and how to conduct them to achieve best results. The students were motivated to stand up for social causes and contribute meaningfully to them. |
With an aim to make the students understand the power of empathy, integration and empowerment, ‘The Social Initiative Club’ organized a visit to ‘JPM Sr. Sec. School for the blind’. The students interacted with the visually impaired children. The students were made familiar with the Braille system of writing used by the visually challenged. The students took a tour of the training center where the students of the blind school learn multiple skills like candle making, sewing and making of paper bags. The students also learnt how a screen reading software enables the visually challenged to use computers. Having internalized the concept of will power, self-respect, and self- confidence the children happily bid goodbyes to the residents of the blind school. |
Social Initiative Club of DPS Dwarka organized various activities and competitions to mark ‘Human Rights and World Peace’ |
The Winners were: Class XI – Topic for Debate: Is our right to privacy being questioned in this Digital Era? |
The Winners were: This proved to be a unique opportunity for the students, who gained knowledge and perspective on a wide range of topics. |
The Winners were: |
VISIT TO GODHULI (An Old Age Home) |
With an aim to sensitize our students towards the people in the ripe years of their lives and impart the value of respecting senior citizens, ‘The Social Initiative Club’ organized a visit to ‘Godhuli- An Old Age Home’. The students presented a poem and interacted with the elderly. They listened enthusiastically to their words of wisdom. The students also presented handmade greetings cards to the elders. Having internalized the concept of respecting and spending quality time with the elderly especially one’s grandparents, the children happily bid goodbyes to the residents of Godhuli. |
To instill patriotic fervour among the students, ‘The Social Initiative Club’ conducted an array of enthralling activities like slogan writing, discussion etc. in which the students participated with great zest and enthusiasm. To sensitize the students about their duties towards the nation, an ‘Awareness Rally’ was carried out by the students. They checked for running water and leakages. They reinforced switching off of lights and fans when not in use. They took a pledge to save water and electricity in their school, homes and surroundings thereby creating awareness about the importance of conserving resources. |
MONTH : JULY 2019 |
Preserving the beauty of our Earth is a collective responsibility. In order to sensitize students towards the need to conserve our environment, The Social Initiative Club held an interactive session on tree plantation, where the children zestfully participated in the discussion and shared their views on the same. An array of stimulating activities were planned with an aim to create awareness among the students about the significance of planting trees. A collage making activity was conducted to facilitate children in understanding the need to protect our resources. Students made captivating collages emphasizing the same. A poster making activity was held wherein children made beautiful posters depicting the need to plant trees. They also participated with great zeal in poetry recitation which highlighted the importance of protecting our environment by not cutting trees. In order to keep our city green and serene, students participated in ‘Tree Plantation Drive’ as well. It was a great learning experience for the learners and imparted valuable knowledge to them about tree plantation. |
Cleanliness plays a vital role in our daily lives and emphasizing the same, ‘The Social Initiative Club’ conducted an array of enthralling activities like slogan writing, discussion etc. in which the students participated with great zest and enthusiasm. To sensitize the students towards the need for a ‘cleaner, healthier world’, an ‘Awareness Rally’ was carried out by the students. They took a pledge to clean their school, homes, public places and surroundings thereby creating awareness about the importance of being clean and healthy. |
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WATER CONSERVATION – A Social Initiative by DPS Dwarka DPS Dwarka is an environment conscious school. Due care is taken to ensure sustainability and maintenance of natural resources. Water conservation is accorded prime importance and various initiatives are taken up by us in this direction: Painting Competitions
Project Work / Essay Competitions
Debate/Declamation / Recitation / Just-A-Minute Competitions
Awareness Programmes
COMMUNAL HARMONY CAMPAIGN WEEK & FLAG DAY Students & Staff of DPS Dwarka have contributed an amount of `9250/- towards National Foundation for Communal Harmony. This was an initiative taken up by the Social Initiatives Club of DPS Dwarka to celebrate Communal Harmony Campaign Week & Flag Day from 19–25 November 2018. |