Children are like cherubs sent by Him to beautify this colossal world
It is their innocence and loving deeds that give us a glimpse of paradise
To prevent the fall of this paradise is our responsibility
To equip them with best education, great values and beliefs is our duty

Learning at DPS Dwarka is an enjoyable experience. We take up the responsibility of educating the young generation and mould them into informed citizens by introducing them to the best that has been thought and said. We instill in them a love for knowledge and respect for our culture.

In all these years we have built a legacy of unmatched success stories spanning from academics and co-scholastics to infrastructure and growth. Children are our most valuable resource and we nurture them with utmost love, care and compassion. Our students have done us proud by reaching unprecedented heights.

We owe our success to the vision and wisdom of our patrons who have been our guiding force. This journey has been smooth because of the unstinted support of our parents, dedication of the staff and perseverance of the students. Today, DPS Dwarka is a name synonymous with excellence because of the undaunted and collective efforts of each one of us. Together we have achieved various milestones and have set a benchmark in the field of education.

The trajectory we have traversed reflects the future towards which we are advancing. We are all set to soar higher towards perfection knowing that sky is the limit …transcending boundaries; transforming lives.


With best wishes


Sunita Tanwar